a maple leave logo



berapa - created with bolt⚡️ continue with cursor weathervanilla decapcms - decapcms + astro italian-food-landing-page-astro - a simple food landing page made with astrojs and tailwindcss kit-og-laoshi - og image generate order-air - someone special needs to document her speech react-community-hub - react test breath - breath site bizway-theme-astro - bizway theme astro template gi-track - github issues tracker pocket-todo - sketchy todo app chat-me - gpt-3.5 pwa chat ui naturral-ai - natural english - gpt ui st-stack - sveltekit opinionated starter iaadr - frontend reverse engineer checklist 3what - ultra learning technique ws - send you to a whatsapp chat tatan - search tatan gif react-fc-storefront - react ecommerce react-cc-storefront - react storefront (class component) dass-nuxt - dass questionnaire release - spit your thoughts anonymously link-shortener - link shortener svg-scroll - paint svg via scrolling eductr - eductr mock landing page leo-blog - blog with code snippet fm-comment-ui - frontend mentor challenge vue-forum-kangtao - mock forum application vue-budget-app - budgeting web app cleanfolio-vue - portfolio template vue-movie-app - mini movie project quick-sr - screen recorder web extension vaxstate - vaccination data visualization calorii - food nutrition checker consuming nutritionix api tasks-api - json-server headless-wp-nuxt badSoup - a motivational quote per day css-grid-practice - grid practical examples frontend-sass-gulp4-boilerplate - gulp scss starter pwa-todo - vanilla todo pwa flexboxcss - flexbox css helpers darkmode - vanilla dark mode switcher grabclone - html css ui practice boostclone - html css practice tngclone - html & css practice countdown - countdown 2020 eraseMe - reveal image by scratchpad