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5 Ways to work with Data in Astro

1. Local frontmatter data

Define simple data in frontmatter and use it in your template

const data = ["I" , "am", "data"]

  { => (

2. Fetch from Remote Data

Fetch remote data and use it in your template

const data = await fetch("").then((res) => res.json());

  { => (

3. Import local files

You can import local files such as JSON or markdown and use it in your template

import data from "./data.json";

you can also import files using Astro.glob.

import data from Astro.glob("./data/*.json");

4. Content Collections

Make a content folder, and a data folder inside of it. Now thats a collection called data. Each file in the data folder is an item in the collection. To define collectinos, make a config file in the content folder. Here is how you do it:

// 1. Import utilities from `astro:content`
import { defineCollection } from 'astro:content';
// 2. Define your collection(s)
const data = defineCollection({ 
  type: "data" // json or yaml
  schema: {
    name: String, // String, Number, Boolean, Date, Object, Array

 const data2 = defineCollection({ 
  type: "content" // markdown
// 3. Export a single `collections` object to register your collection(s)
//    This key should match your collection directory name in "src/content"
export const collections = {

Then, to query the collection, you can use Astro getCollection api

import { getCollection } from 'astro:content';
const data = await getCollection('data');
const data2 = await getCollection('data2');

5. From JSON endpoints (data to be used in client side components)

Inside pages folder, you can create a .js or .ts file to define an endpoint.

// You can grab from collections and pass it to the endpoint
import { getCollection } from 'astro:content';

const data = await getCollection('data');
export const GET = async({}) => {
  return new Responose(JSON.stringify(data), {
    headers: {
      'content-type': 'application/json'
    status: 200,

And use that in your React, Svelte or Vue components

// .jsx file

// if the file named `data.js` is in the `pages` folder
const data = await fetch("/data").then((res) => res.json());

That’s it. Hope this note was helpful to you.

References: Astro Docs Video on How to work with data