Exploring TypeScript in Vue
In this tutorial, we’ll explore the fundamentals of using TypeScript in Vue.js. Discover how to leverage TypeScript’s type system to enhance your Vue projects and improve code reliability. From basic type definitions to typing objects, functions, and Vue components, we’ll cover essential TypeScript concepts. Let’s dive in!
TypeScript Type Fundamentals
What is a type?
// JavaScript
let food = "sushi";
let code = ["js", "python"];
let music = {
year: 1996,
mood: "happy",
genres: ["country", "blues", "jazz"],
// TypeScript
let food: string = "sushi";
let code: string[] = ["js", "python"];
let music: {
year: number;
mood: string;
genres: string[];
} = {
year: 1996,
mood: "happy",
genres: ["country", "blues", "jazz"],
When typing an object, it’s recommended to use an interface.
What is interface?
interface Music {
year: number
mood: string
genres: string[]
let music: Music = {
year: 2022
mood: 'energetic',
genres: ['electronic', 'classical'],
You can also use a combination of type
and interface
type moodType = 'happy' | 'energetic'
interface Music {
year: number
mood: moodType 👈 // 'happy' or 'energetic'
genres: string[]
Type parameters and return values for functions (including computed properties or methods in Vue).
// js
function sum(num1, num2) {
return num1 + num2;
//ts, accept number, return number
function sum(n1: number, n2: number): number {
return n1 + n2;
How to use Typescript in Vue?
Change the script section from JavaScript to TypeScript:
<script lang='ts'>
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
export default defineComponent({ 👈
name: 'BaseButton',
Props Typing
Use Generic in Typescript and vue helper method PropType
import { defineComponent, PropType } from 'vue'
import { EventItem } from '../types'
export default defineComponent({
props: {
event: {
type: PropType<EventItem>, 👈
required: true
That’s it! With TypeScript, you can bring type safety and enhanced development experience to your Vue projects. Enjoy the benefits of TypeScript’s static typing and catch errors before they happen. Happy coding! ✨
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